Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Well I just got back from seeing Evita and I Wish I had taken the time to see the Madona version of the movie. The musical was good but it was confusing because I must of been sleeping during this class in school. I know Argentina is in South America and that there is beef there. Yeah thats about it. I know I should know more than this even after the show but I really don't get it. Was she good or bad? Did she take a bunch of money for herself or was it all for charity? I will have to research this. Any way I have a good time at these shows. I went to Hairspray and Gypsy this season and both of those shows were very entertaining. I am excited about Moving Out (the Billy Joel musical)that is coming in Feb. Anyway this has been a good week so far. I am very busy at work and I did get part of the Christmas Decorations put away. This takes a few days because I do it after work. I am hoping to finish by Sat. (I'll let you know) My Christmas tree motto is: I'll get around to it and eventually I do. I guess thats all for now. more later....


bekster said...

Where did you see Evita? At the PAC? I keep seeing the titles of shows on the marquee and thinking I should go see them.

I don't know anything about Argentina either.

Mary J said...

even evita with madonna confused me. so good luck!

phyllis said...

yeah Becky it was sold out. It was good but I can't wait for Movin-Out. This is the second year I got the season pass. Donna Branham and Diane Potter both had passes this year.