Well since Mary seems to think some of us are not blogging enough I though I would post a quick one. Where has the time gone? This month is moving at hyperspeed. My life is out of control. About the fam: Chris is fine, looking forward to a Damascus Class that is going to be held in March at the blade school in Ark. He is going with Jason Knight and a few other guys from the area. This is the year he needs to test for his JourneySmith stamp so this is going to boost him enough to get that done. WooHoo. Craig is now at Kirkland. We are not sure this is the place he will spend the whole time in or not but it is a start. We have not been able to talk to him yet because he is not allowed contact with family yet. But I beleive the year has started and we should know more soon. Kristen is doing well at school. I called her Thursday after yet another shooting at a college campus. She knows me by now and just said "I am way in another state and no I did not get shot." We are praying for the parents of the students from NIU. I know in my mind that Kristen is not even close but I just needed to hear her and then I was ok. Last weekend was the Ladies Retreat and we went back to Myrtle Beach this year. It was fun and I had a blast. I cried and I laughed and just got to spend quality time with a great group of ladies. I love my family at Summerville and was happy to spend the time with them. I did make Lisa and Amanda go to Burro Loco for lunch on Sunday. (Thanks guys) Then I lost my voice for the whole week. (again a blessing from God.)Friday we started the "Truth Project" from Focus On The Family at John and Lisa's house. More on that later. Well Mary thanks for prompting me. more later.....