Friday, January 11, 2008

Finally Friday

Well Friday has arrived. This is the probably the longest week of the year. Kristen surprised us on Sunday before church. This was great. She had to leave Thursday to go back to school. We had a good couple of days. Monday she went to Jason's with her dad to shoot. Then we had dinner and then we went to Kohls for a sale. We ended up with about 12 shirts and 1 pair of pants. (all less than $100) I like good sales. Tuesday she washed all of her clothes and got things ready to leave. Wednesday we ate lunch at Moes and then went to church for dinner. Then Kristen left from church with Jenny to spend the night so they could get an early start back to Ark. Our dog does not understand this. Kristen left with us but did not come back. She, the dog, always goes to the door and then comes and looks at us like "where is she" then she will bark and stand at the door. When we let her out she stands on the porch and looks at the road. All night she jumps on the bed and whines. Just what I need. All of the kids leave and I get a co-dependent dog. Chris is ok he just wants to shoot something. It seems like he keeps getting a new gun. (He trades all the time he says.) I know this is true because he does not have any money for guns. I would sell them all and go shopping but he keeps them locked up. (HA HA) This is a good hobby but he needs to get in the shop and make knives. Blade Show is in 6 months. Well I guess I better go. More later...

1 comment:

Mary J said...

So glad you got to spend some time with Kristen. I am also glad she in hanging in there at school.

Miss y'all in S'ville.

Give yourself a hug from me and the boys!