Thursday, December 6, 2007

home alone

Today was a good day I went to work and then SHOPPING (yea). I got some Christmas done. Then I came home and watched TV.I don't really have a lot of things to BLOG about. but every one is doing it so I thought, Yeah I could do this. but what could I blog about. Kristen is away at school. Joey is away in Greenville and Craig is just away. Booker and I are here alone. Some days I say alone at last then I think it seems like just yesterday all of the kids were just babies. Now all of them are grown and planning Christmas on their own and I am planning Christmas away. Thanksgiving was the same. Craig came home but Kristen spent it with friends and Joey was at his home with Kim. When they are little you just want some free time maybe just go to the bathroom alone. Then without warning nobody is coming home for Christmas. It's not like we will be alone we have lots of friends to see so we will be very busy. anyway more later.

1 comment:

Cryssy said...

I have a really hard time shutting the bathroom door on my child as he follows me around. He won't be here forever and I have guilt when I shut him out... I'm not looking forward to empty all.